SmartAdmin Intel > App Settings

App Settings

Note: You can adjust these settings inside app.js file to your comfort.
Name Default/Value Description
$.throttle_delay 350 Impacts the responce rate of some of the responsive elements (lower value affects CPU but improves speed)
$.menu_speed 235 The rate at which the menu expands revealing child elements on click
$.navAsAjax true/false Your left nav in your app will no longer fire ajax calls, set it to false for HTML version
$.enableJarvisWidgets true/false Please make sure you have included "jarvis.widget.min.js" in your page for this below feature to work
$.enableMobileWidgets true/false Warning: Enabling mobile widgets could potentially crash your webApp if you have too many widgets running at once (must have $.enableJarvisWidgets to true)
closedSign fa-plus-square-o Menu open icon
openedSign fa-minus-square-o Menu close icon
setup_widgets_desktop() function() Setup widgets for desktop (must have $.enableJarvisWidgets to true )
setup_widgets_mobile() function() Setup widgets for desktop (must have $.enableJarvisWidgets and $.enableMobileWidgets to true)
runAllCharts() function() Runs all inline charts including: $.sparkline and $.easyPieChart
runAllForms() function() Runs all form related scripts such as $.select2, $.mask, $.datepicker and $.autocomplete
pageSetUp() function() Runs the following functions all at once: setup_widgets_desktop(), setup_widgets_mobile(), runAllCharts(), runAllForms() - and also activates all tooltip and popovers

Page layout options

Possible classes for the BODY tag: smart-skin-{SKIN_NUMBER} , smart-rtl , fixed-header , fixed-navigation , fixed-ribbon , fixed-footer , container
breadcrumb >

Switch to top menu by adding class .menu-on-top
breadcrumb >